
Humanbenchmark clone

A humanbenchmark.com clone website I built using React, Vite, Firebase, Tailwindcss and Typescript. The website was build for practice purposes.




  • 8 different playable tests (1 still in development)
  • Responsive design: the website includes a desktop, tablet and a mobile version
  • Multipage : The website includes a landing page, pages for the individual games, login, register and user dashboard pages.
  • User functionality
  • You can either play the games in "guest" mode, where your results are saved using the browser's localstorage, or you can register as a user and have your personal dashboard with all the results and statistics saved on a Firebase cloud storage.
  • Statistics
  • Results from games can be saved, creating a database which is used to create a chart with the results for each game. Those results can be useful to see how the average user performs or to see how you compare to the average user (percentiles are also calculated).